Natural Breathing
is an easy way to Improve the Quality of Your Life.
Natural Breathing is an easy to learn breathing technique that can bring about profound changes in your life.
Chances are, that as you are reading this, you are breathing. Breathing is the one thing we cannot do without for more than a moment.
Sadly, you are probably only breathing at about 20% of your lung capacity. What would happen if you recovered your breathing and breathed at 80% or a 100%?
Since your Life-force rides on your breathing, increasing your breathing is how you can reverse your sub-ventilating, boost your energy level, and enliven your spirit.
Your body needs Life-force energy to be able to function. The energy you need comes from your cells using “oxygen” to digest and burn food and drink. Without the “oxygen” your cells cannot transform your food and drink into energy and aliveness.
How much energy your body enjoys, how healthy it is, and the happiness you experience, is in direct proportion to the amount of “air” you inhale, in the same way as how strong a fire burns and how well a motor performs depends on how much air they get.
Improving your breathing increases the oxygen level in your blood from the average of 65% to 80% and higher. An increase of oxygen in your body is the fuel it needs to be able to not only cope, but also to grow and thrive, leaving you feeling energized and refreshed.
The more you breathe the more you heal physical and psychological issues, and thus free yourself to be able to manifest your dreams and goals.
Your level of aliveness is a direct reflection of how effectively you breathe. If your breathing is slow and shallow, you feel withdrawn and depressed.
If you are excited your breathing is intensified.
Go ahead and take a moment and notice
Is your breath a little shallow or is it deep, full and relaxed? Do you breathe into your belly, or partly filling up your lungs or is your breathing barely noticeable? Are you breathing through your nose or your mouth? Do you feel like a pressure on your chest or that you’re holding your breath, just a little, maybe? Does your breathing change as you become aware of it?
The Way You Breathe Is The Way You Live
Have you noticed that sometimes your breathing is strong but mostly it is barely noticeable?
From mis-learned, limiting programming, mental conditioning and Incomplete Experiences, unresolved traumas, fear, and stress, we now have shallow breathing, and tend to “live shallow lives”.
This shows up as all kind of issues – health issues, money issues, relationship issues, anxiety, depression…
To be healthy, happy, prosperous, have good relationships, be wise and fully enjoy your life you need to understand how life works and engage with authentic feelings and emotions.
Apparently, it is “safer” to be less alive and more controlled, than to allow yourself to be fully alive, but deep inside there is a yearning for a meaningful, peaceful, loving, and joyful life.
Have you heard the call for a “deeper” and more expansive Life?
The way you breathe is the way you engage with your life. Your Breath is sacred, and a powerful tool to amplify your Life-force and flow with an exciting and abundant life.
Let’s grow from enduring a survival-shallow life
to enjoying a thriving-deep life!
Natural Breathing
is an easy way to Improve the Quality of Your Life.
Natural Breathing is an easy to learn breathing technique that can bring about profound changes in your life.
Chances are, that as you are reading this, you are breathing. Breathing is the one thing we cannot do without for more than a moment.
Sadly, you are probably only breathing at about 20% of your lung capacity. What would happen if you recovered your breathing and breathed at 80% or a 100%?
Since your Life-force rides on your breathing, increasing your breathing is how you can reverse your sub-ventilating, boost your energy level, and enliven your spirit.
Your body needs Life-force energy to be able to function. The energy you need comes from your cells using “oxygen” to digest and burn food and drink. Without the “oxygen” your cells cannot transform your food and drink into energy and aliveness.
How much energy your body enjoys, how healthy it is, and the happiness you experience, is in direct proportion to the amount of “air” you inhale, in the same way as how strong a fire burns and how well a motor performs depends on how much air they get.
Improving your breathing increases the oxygen level in your blood from the average of 65% to 80% and higher. An increase of oxygen in your body is the fuel it needs to be able to not only cope, but also to grow and thrive, leaving you feeling energized and refreshed.
The more you breathe the more you heal physical and psychological issues, and thus free yourself to be able to manifest your dreams and goals.
Your level of aliveness is a direct reflection of how effectively you breathe. If your breathing is slow and shallow, you feel withdrawn and depressed. If you are excited your breathing is intensified.
Go ahead and take a moment and notice
Is your breath a little shallow or is it deep, full and relaxed? Do you breathe into your belly, or partly filling up your lungs or is your breathing barely noticeable? Are you breathing through your nose or your mouth? Do you feel like a pressure on your chest or that you’re holding your breath, just a little, maybe? Does your breathing change as you become aware of it?
The Way You Breathe Is The Way You Live
Have you noticed that sometimes your breathing is strong but mostly it is barely noticeable?
From mis-learned, limiting programming, mental conditioning, and Incomplete Experiences, unresolved traumas, fear, and stress, we now have shallow breathing, and tend to “live shallow lives”.
This shows up as all kind of issues – health issues, money issues, relationship issues, anxiety, depression…
To be healthy, happy, prosperous, have good relationships, be wise and fully enjoy your life you need to understand how life works and engage with authentic feelings and emotions.
Apparently, it is “safer” to be less alive and more controlled, than to allow yourself to be fully alive, but deep inside there is a yearning for a meaningful, peaceful, loving, and joyful life.
Have you heard the call for a “deeper” and more expansive Life?
The way you breathe is the way you engage with your life. Your Breath is sacred, and a powerful tool to amplify your Life-force and flow with an exciting and abundant life.
Let’s grow from enduring a survival-shallow life
to enjoying a thriving-deep life!
Natural Breathing
is an easy way to Improve
the Quality of Your Life.
Natural Breathing is an easy to learn breathing technique that can bring about profound changes in your life.
Chances are, that as you are reading this, you are breathing. Breathing is the one thing we cannot do without for more than a moment.
Sadly, you are probably only breathing at about 20% of your lung capacity. What would happen if you recovered your breathing and breathed at 80% or a 100%?
Since your Life-force rides on your breathing, increasing your breathing is how you can reverse your sub-ventilating, boost your energy level, and enliven your spirit.
Your body needs Life-force energy to be able to function. The energy you need comes from your cells using “oxygen” to digest and burn food and drink. Without the “oxygen” your cells cannot transform your food and drink into energy and aliveness.
How much energy your body enjoys, how healthy it is, and the happiness you experience, is in direct proportion to the amount of “air” you inhale, in the same way as how strong a fire burns and how well a motor performs depends on how much air they get.
Improving your breathing increases the oxygen level in your blood from the average of 65% to 80% and higher. An increase of oxygen in your body is the fuel it needs to be able to not only cope, but also to grow and thrive, leaving you feeling energized and refreshed.
The more you breathe the more you heal physical and psychological issues, and thus free yourself to be able to manifest your dreams and goals.
Your level of aliveness is a direct reflection of how effectively you breathe. If your breathing is slow and shallow, you feel withdrawn and depressed. If you are excited your breathing is intensified.
Go ahead and take a moment and notice
Is your breath a little shallow or is it deep, full and relaxed? Do you breathe into your belly, or partly filling up your lungs or is your breathing barely noticeable? Are you breathing through your nose or your mouth? Do you feel like a pressure on your chest or that you’re holding your breath, just a little, maybe? Does your breathing change as you become aware of it?
The Way You Breathe
Is The Way You Live
Have you noticed that sometimes your breathing is strong but mostly it is barely noticeable?
From mis-learned, limiting programming, mental conditioning, Incomplete Experiences, unresolved traumas, fear, stress, we now have shallow breathing, and tend to “live shallow lives”.
This shows up as all kind of issues – health issues, money issues, relationship issues, anxiety, depression…
To be healthy, happy, prosperous, have good relationships, be wise and fully enjoy your life you need to understand how life works and engage with authentic feelings and emotions.
Apparently, it is “safer” to be less alive and more controlled, than to allow yourself to be fully alive, but deep inside there is a yearning for a meaningful, peaceful, loving, and joyful life.
Have you heard the call for a “deeper” and more expansive Life?
The way you breathe is the way you engage with your life. Your Breath is sacred, and a powerful tool to amplify your Life-force and flow with an exciting and abundant life.
Let’s grow from enduring
a survival-shallow life
to enjoying a thriving-deep life!
Take Natural Breathing for a Test-Drive with
the One-Minute “Breathing Snack”…
Great tool when you want to be more awake and energized.
This will give you a taste of the power of Natural Breathing and how you can use it to improve your health, success, and well-being.
- Become AWARE of your body and notice your breathing.
- Become aware of the air coming in and out of your MOUTH.
- Inhale with your CHEST MUSCLES and fill up your lungs.
- Connect your inhale with your exhale, so there is a circular breathing.
- Breathe DEEPER and FASTER. (Add a little passion into your breathing.)
When you start to feel light-headed or tingling (which happens within a minute if you breathe more than you are inclined to) go back to letting your body choose how it wants to breathe. (Do not continue to make yourself breathe in any particular way.)
Enjoy your heightened sensations. It might surprise you that breathing more can bring about such a strong experience.
Take Natural Breathing for a Test-Drive with
the One-Minute “Breathing Snack”…
Great tool when you want to be more awake and energized.
This will give you a taste of the power of Natural Breathing and how you can use it to improve your health, success, and well-being.
- Become AWARE of your body and notice your breathing.
- Become aware of the air coming in and out of your MOUTH.
- Inhale with your CHEST MUSCLES and fill up your lungs.
- Connect your inhale with your exhale, so there is a circular breathing.
- Breathe DEEPER and FASTER. (Add a little passion into your breathing.)
When you start to feel light-headed or tingling (which happens within a minute if you breathe more than you are inclined to) go back to letting your body choose how it wants to breathe. (Do not continue to make yourself breathe in any particular way.)
Enjoy your heightened sensations. It might surprise you that breathing more can bring about such a strong experience.
Take Natural Breathing
for a Test-Drive with
the One-Minute “Breathing Snack”…
Great tool when you want to be more awake and energized.
This will give you a taste of the power of Natural Breathing and how you can use it to improve your health, success, and well-being.
- Become AWARE of your body and notice your breathing.
- Become aware of the air coming in and out of your MOUTH.
- Inhale with your CHEST MUSCLES and fill up your lungs.
- Connect your inhale with your exhale, so there is a circular breathing.
- Breathe DEEPER and FASTER. (Add a little passion into your breathing.)
When you start to feel light-headed or tingling (which happens within a minute if you breathe more than you are inclined to) go back to letting your body choose how it wants to breathe. (Do not continue to make yourself breathe in any particular way.)
Enjoy your heightened sensations. It might surprise you that breathing more can bring about such a strong experience.
After you are fueled with oxygen, the by-products must be eliminated.
Natural Breathing is an easy and effective way to make your detoxifying system shift into high gear because 70% of your toxins leave your body through your breathing.
Natural Breathing can help you take charge of your life
Natural Breathing will give you practical techniques to bring positive change into your daily life. People from all walks of life embrace change with this easy, gentle, yet effective Transformational Breathing technique.
Through Natural Breathing sessions you can transform unwanted emotional patterns and undo the sub-conscious material that limit your day-to-day success. By learning to access your Natural Breathing, you can consciously address any issue you may have, making it possible for you to live up to your full potential.
What is Natural Breathing?
When you were born, instinctively you did know how to take your first breath and you have been breathing ever since.
You also find yourself breathing a lot when you are happy and alive, and you find yourself breathing at minimum when you are holding back and are depressed.
Your unconscious habit, when you are under stress or traumatized, is to capitulate to sub-ventilation, because it numbs you out, so you don’t have to deal with what is going on. Unfortunately, this kind of subdued breathing continues after the stress is gone, leaving you with a numbed-out spirit and malnurtured body.
Your Natural Breath Coach will show you how to repair your Natural Breathing, so you once again can have the perpetual supply of Life-force flow through you.
Immediately following a Natural Breathing Session, you usually have a deep sense of well-being. After several sessions, you’ll notice positive changes in your life.
As your body detoxifies more efficiently, your physical well-being improves. As your connection with yourself deepens, you become more peacefully and actively engaged with your life. As you clear your psychological and emotional mis-learning, you create more room for abundance and prosperity. As you appreciate your life more, your relationships become more enriching. You’ll experience a sense of fulfillment.
After you are fueled with oxygen, the by products must be eliminated.
Natural Breathing is an easy and effective way to make your detoxifying system shift into high gear because 70% of your toxins leave your body through your breathing.
Natural Breathing can help you take charge of your life
Natural Breathing will give you practical techniques to bring positive change into your daily life. People from all walks of life embrace change with this easy, gentle, yet effective Transformational Breathing technique.
Through Natural Breathing sessions you can transform unwanted emotional patterns and undo the sub-conscious material that limit your day-to-day success. By learning to access your Natural Breathing, you can consciously address any issue you may have, making it possible for you to live up to your full potential.
What is Natural Breathing?
When you were born, instinctively you did know how to take your first breath and you have been breathing ever since.
You also find yourself breathing a lot when you are happy and alive, and you find yourself breathing at minimum when you are holding back and are depressed.
Your unconscious habit, when you are under stress or traumatized, is to capitulate to sub-ventilation, because it numbs you out, so you don’t have to deal with what is going on. Unfortunately, this kind of subdued breathing continues after the stress is gone, leaving you with a numbed-out spirit and malnurtured body.
Your Natural Breath Coach will show you how to repair your Natural Breathing, so you once again can have the perpetual supply of Life-force flow through you.
Immediately following a Natural Breathing Session, you usually have a deep sense of well-being. After several sessions, you’ll notice positive changes in your life.
As your body detoxifies more efficiently, your physical well-being improves. As your connection with yourself deepens, you become more peacefully and actively engaged with your life. As you clear your psychological and emotional mis-learning, you create more room for abundance and prosperity. As you appreciate your life more, your relationships become more enriching. You’ll experience a sense of fulfillment.
After you are fueled with oxygen, the by-products must be eliminated.
Natural Breathing is an easy and effective way to make your detoxifying system shift into high gear because 70% of your toxins leave your body through your breathing.
Natural Breathing can help you
take charge of your life
Natural Breathing will give you practical techniques to bring positive change into your daily life. People from all walks of life embrace change with this easy, gentle, yet effective Transformational Breathing technique.
Through Natural Breathing sessions you can transform unwanted emotional patterns and undo the sub-conscious material that limit your day-to-day success. By learning to access your Natural Breathing, you can consciously address any issue you may have, making it possible for you to live up to your full potential.
What is Natural Breathing?
When you were born, instinctively you did know how to take your first breath and you have been breathing ever since.
You also find yourself breathing a lot when you are happy and alive and you find yourself breathing at minimum when you are holding back and are depressed.
Your unconscious habit, when you are under stress or traumatized, is to capitulate to sub-ventilation, because it numbs you out, so you don’t have to deal with what is going on. Unfortunately, this kind of subdued breathing continues after the stress is gone, leaving you with a numbed-out spirit and malnurtured body.
Your Natural Breath Coach will show you how to repair your Natural Breathing, so you once again can have the perpetual supply of Life-force flow through you.
Immediately following a Natural Breathing Session, you usually have a deep sense of well-being. After several sessions, you’ll notice positive changes in your life.
As your body detoxifies more efficiently, your physical well-being improves. As your connection with yourself deepens, you become more peacefully and actively engaged with your life. As you clear your psychological and emotional mis-learning, you create more room for abundance and prosperity. As you appreciate your life more, your relationships become more enriching. You’ll experience a sense of fulfillment.
The best way to Contact us
is through the CHAT –
at the bottom right.
You can also contact: Arne Rantzen
Costa Rica: (+506) 8311-1221
© 1982-2025 All rights reserved. Natural Breathing