How to Activate the Law of Attraction…

…and become a Vibrational Match with
Your Inherent Natural Health, Wealth & Happiness!

As you probably know from the movie The secret – Affirmations, Peak Potential – Declarations, Tony Robbins – Incantations and Abraham-Hicks – Law of Attraction,
in order to get what you want,
they point out that you first need to FEEL and VIBRATE
with the frequency that mimics what you want.



Well, here it is.
The process that naturally
brings you right to your essential feeling-vibration.

Trying to become a vibrational match, through thinking positively, reciting Affirmations, Declarations, and Incantations imagining and visualizing, engaging with inspiring people and situations, and practicing daily disciplines, like yoga, exercises etc., is hard work and only lasts for as long as you keep doing your disciplines.

The Creative Question System, on the other hand, is the way of thinking that taps directly into the Creative Power of the Universe and helps you to radically experience the joy of having a mind that serves YOU, with total loyalty!

The Creative Question’s System is

How Do You Get What You Want?

If you are like most people, and you try to Dominate Your Mind with Positive Thinking and Affirmations, you’ll struggle with getting your mind to think the kind of thoughts that you need to be thinking, to be a vibrational match with creating your ideal life-style.

Mastering your Creative Mind and Creative Process can be simple, fun, and easy, if you Activate Your Success Consciousness with the Creative Question System.

By picking your daily Creative Question Card 
you will radically increase your power
to create what you want

Here I am with Doctor Monica, Co-Creator of the Creative Question Cards, picking our morning Creative Question. We do this to start our day with a clear direction of what will be the most supportive focus for us to have today.

Sometimes we use the physical Creative Question Cards

Sometimes we use the Creative Questions App

As Doctor Monica says, “I believe that nurturing my mind is as important as nurturing my body, so I always start my breakfast with picking my Creative Question Card. They bring out the best in me.”

Since 2000, the Creative Questions Approach has proven its value with thousands of friends, clients, and students in more than 10 countries.

People interested in:
– Personal Transformation
– Conscious Creation
– Personal Healing
– Overcoming Obstacles
– Life Coaching
– Yoga, Breathwork, Spirituality
– Holistic Practitioner and Trainer
– Achieving Goals
– Success
– Conscious Parenting
– Corporate Coaching and Training

If you are committed to your personal well-being, if you are looking for personal transformation, if you are a healer / coach or a trainer / teacher, and you are tired of struggling with your mind and your results (or the mind of your students / clients), then you need to read on…

Your Mind has an inherent MOMENTUM to think.

  • You cannot stop your mind from thinking.
  • What your mind thinks about becomes your experience.
  • Your mind requires no effort from you to think. It keeps spontaneously and effortlessly thinking in one way or another, whether you like what it thinks about or not.
  • You can harness and direct your mind to think what you want it to think, and thus you can choose your experiences.

What Do YOU Do With Your Mind?

Are you Unconscious – Unaware?
You become unconscious when you are lost in a cloud of thoughts, and don’t know that you have the capacity to be aware of what thoughts you think… Drowning in a cloud of repetitious thinking, leaves you succumbed to a mediocre life…

Are you a Worrier?
You become a worrier when you get curious about disasters… are threatened by having negative thoughts… are busy with protecting yourself and fighting your negative thinking… you feel sorry for others… your life is a struggle… failure is your experience…

Are you Optimistic?
You are optimistic when your glass is half-full… Your mind is like a party, alight with fireworks… All kinds of good ideas keep popping up, one after another… You are optimistic, but unclear of what your real purpose is or what you want to achieve… Your success seems to always need one more step, but you aren’t catching up to it…

Are you a Meditator?
You think of yourself as a meditator when you try to still your mind… You feel peace… You are untouched by life… You are pure spirit, and all is well… Delicious! But what happens when you come back to your life, to your intimate relationship or to your work? Are you good or do you notice disturbing thoughts?

Bad News… Do you gravitate towards bad news? Are you fascinated with tragedy? Do you tend to have conversations about problems and misfortune?
Good News… Do you need good news to be able to connect with Love, Peace, Joy, Power, Abundance, and Success?

How Can You Master Your Mind?

If you want to easily master your creative power, you must educate your mind and make it your servant. It starts with a clear understanding where Creativity comes from.

Next, you must find the right way to authentically interact with your mind. You need to communicate in a way that it responds to you. Then it will instruct the Universe how to support you.

Finally, you must master how to use the high frequency questioning process that your success consciousness needs, to be able to create your ideal life-style. (These are the 52 empowering qualities you have with your Creative Question card.)

CHANGE can only be LAUNCHED through a QUESTION.

When something happens to you, first you just observe what is happening. Then, you either react with statements about it, which are the same statements you made many times before. Nothing new here.

Or you respond with a question, like: “Why is this happening?” or “How can I fix this?” or “What is so good about this?”.

So, you see that to get a NEW point of view and to respond in a NEW way, your mind must ask a question.

Let me explain…
It is true that naturally we ask a lot of questions. When we are sincerely curious about something we investigate. You might not be aware of all the questions you ask yourself, but your mind is curious by nature. Look at a child and observe the innocence of curiosity.


Why is it so difficult?

How can I get help?

Why do I have to be quiet?

How can I win?

Why don’t they help me?

Why can’t I go out and play?

Notice how each of these questions brings out different responses. Since your mind looks for and finds answers to ALL your questions, choose your questions wisely.

GOOD or BAD questions

Sometimes you ask empowering questions and get good results. And sometimes you ask negating questions and are not happy with your results. It is really important that you take control of what kind of questions you ask yourself, if you want to move away from repetitious unpleasant results, to step into a predictable success.

This is How Creative Questions conquer your mind…

Your mind starts to focus and surrenders to the real Source of your creative power… Limiting thought-questions are no longer the center of your attention… You are curious about enriching Creative Questions… You feel empowered, confident, and ready to succeed.

Your creative power is in total alignment with Source… You know who you are and enjoy your creations… Success is a given… You feel joy, love and gratitude for the amazing mind that you have as a friend and loyal servant of your deepest truth and desires… I tell you it feels really good!

You master the Creative Questions process… Your mind is addicted to thinking about peace and success… You feel and passionate about your life and all that you can create with this amazing mind that you have… You know exactly how to ask for what you want and more than that, you know how to RELAX and ALLOW IT! Your relationships, work, health, and life-style are now in ALIGNMENT with your success consciousness!

Living in a Statements world is repetitious.
Living in the Questions world you can create new results.

Are you deflating your creative power by rehashing your old answers-evidence-stagnation and conditioned thoughts-statements?

Don’t get bogged down by the confusion or negative thoughts-statements, because then your Creative Source cannot attend to your desires, and you aren’t making your potential success a reality.

When you want to access your creative power, you need to leverage your Questioning Mind!

With your Creative Questions System, you’ll get your basic “schooling” to become a master of your questioning mind. You’ll also learn how to use the high frequency questions that will bring you your success into your life!

Repetition or Expansion? It is your choice.

Negating thought-questions bring you limiting answers. Creative Questions are here to change that.

Constructing a Creative Question that will change your mind and create what you truly want can be tricky. A Creative Question needs to be properly formulated to not backfire, causing you unnecessary frustration…

…YOU have the solution right here, with 52 high frequency tested Creative Questions.

And the Rumors are True:
Life Gets Very Exciting
When You Master Your Mind.

Imagine picking the Creative Question Card that is your right support for this moment… with the exact high frequency question that will help you to vibrate and attract that quality into your experience…

How are you going to feel… when you confidently trust that the Universe is on your side…

What about waking up in the morning, feeling passionate about yourself and your life and knowing that your day will unfold as a miracle, because it is a match to your Creative Question and your desires.

Imagine having the Creative Question Cards at your service and help you to turn ‘downs’ into a positive outlook that is the foundation for your success.

When You’re Ready to Expand,
You need Creative Questions to Get You There!

The Creative Question System is the way of thinking that taps directly into the Creative Power of the Universe and helps you to radically experience the joy of having a mind that serves YOU, with total loyalty!

How to Activate the Law of Attraction…

…and become a Vibrational Match with
Your Inherent Natural Health, Wealth & Happiness!

As you probably know from the movie The secret – Affirmations, Peak Potential – Declarations, Tony Robbins – Incantations and Abraham-Hicks – Law of Attraction,
in order to get what you want,
they point out that you first need to FEEL and VIBRATE
with the frequency that mimics what you want.



Well, here it is.
The process that naturally
brings you right to your essential feeling-vibration.

Trying to become a vibrational match, through thinking positively, reciting Affirmations, Declarations, and Incantations imagining and visualizing, engaging with inspiring people and situations, and practicing daily disciplines, like yoga, exercises etc., is hard work and only lasts for as long as you keep doing your disciplines.

The Creative Question System, on the other hand, is the way of thinking that taps directly into the Creative Power of the Universe and helps you to radically experience the joy of having a mind that serves YOU, with total loyalty!

The Creative Question’s System is

How Do You Get What You Want?

If you are like most people, and you try to Dominate Your Mind with Positive Thinking and Affirmations, you’ll struggle with getting your mind to think the kind of thoughts that you need to be thinking, to be a vibrational match with creating your ideal life-style.

Mastering your Creative Mind and Creative Process can be simple, fun, and easy, if you Activate Your Success Consciousness with the Creative Question System.

By picking your daily Creative Question Card 
you will radically increase your power
to create what you want

Here I am with Doctor Monica, Co-Creator of the Creative Question Cards, picking our morning Creative Question. We do this to start our day with a clear direction of what will be the most supportive focus for us to have today.

Sometimes we use the physical Creative Question Cards

Sometimes we use the Creative Questions App

As Doctor Monica says, “I believe that nurturing my mind is as important as nurturing my body, so I always start my breakfast with picking my Creative Question Card. They bring out the best in me.”

Since 2000, the Creative Questions system has proven its value with thousands of friends, clients, and students, in more than 10 countries.

People interested in:
– Personal Transformation
– Conscious Creation
– Personal Healing
– Overcoming Obstacles
– Life Coaching
– Yoga, Breathwork, Spirituality
– Holistic Practitioner and Trainer
– Achieving Goals
– Success
– Conscious Parenting
– Corporate Coaching and Training

If you are committed to your personal well-being, if you are looking for personal transformation, if you are a healer / coach or a trainer / teacher, and you are tired of struggling with your mind and your results (or the mind of your students / clients), then you need to read on…

Your Mind has an inherent MOMENTUM to think.

  • You cannot stop your mind from thinking.
  • What your mind thinks about becomes your experience.
  • Your mind requires no effort from you to think. It keeps spontaneously and effortlessly thinking in one way or another, whether you like what it thinks about or not.
  • You can harness and direct your mind to think what you want it to think, and thus you can choose your experiences.

What Do YOU Do With Your Mind?

Are you Unconscious – Unaware?
You become unconscious when you are lost in a cloud of thoughts, and don’t know that you have the capacity to be aware of what thoughts you think… Drowning in a cloud of repetitious thinking, leaves you succumbed to a mediocre life…

Are you a Worrier?
You become a worrier when you get curious about disasters… are threatened by having negative thoughts… are busy with protecting yourself and fighting your negative thinking… you feel sorry for others… your life is a struggle… failure is your experience…

Are you Optimistic?
You are optimistic when your glass is half-full… Your mind is like a party, alight with fireworks… All kinds of good ideas keep popping up, one after another… You are optimistic, but unclear of what your real purpose is or what you want to achieve… Your success seems to always need one more step, but you aren’t catching up to it…

Are you a Meditator?
You think of yourself as a meditator when you try to still your mind… You feel peace… You are untouched by life… You are pure spirit, and all is well… Delicious! But what happens when you come back to your life, to your intimate relationship or to your work? Are you good or do you notice disturbing thoughts?

Bad News… Do you gravitate towards bad news? Are you fascinated with tragedy? Do you tend to have conversations about problems and misfortune?
Good News… Do you need good news to be able to connect with Love, Peace, Joy, Power, Abundance, and Success?

How Can You Master Your Mind?

If you want to easily master your creative power, you must educate your mind and make it your servant. It starts with a clear understanding where Creativity comes from.

Next, you must find the right way to authentically interact with your mind. You need to communicate in a way that it responds to you. Then it will instruct the Universe how to support you.

Finally, you must master how to use the high frequency questioning process that your success consciousness needs, to be able to create your ideal life-style. (These are the 52 empowering qualities you have with your Creative Question card.)

CHANGE can only be LAUNCHED through a QUESTION.

When something happens to you, first you just observe what is happening. Then, you either react with statements about it, which are the same statements you made many times before. Nothing new here.

Or you respond with a question, like: “Why is this happening?” or “How can I fix this?” or “What is so good about this?”.

So, you see that to get a NEW point of view and to respond in a NEW way, your mind must ask a question.

Let me explain…
It is true that naturally we ask a lot of questions. When we are sincerely curious about something we investigate. You might not be aware of all the questions you ask yourself, but your mind is curious by nature. Look at a child and observe the innocence of curiosity.


Why is it so difficult?
How can I get help?
Why do I have to be quiet?

How can I win?
Why don’t they help me?
Why can’t I go out and play?

Notice how each of these questions brings out different responses. Since your mind looks for and finds answers to ALL your questions, choose your questions wisely.

GOOD or BAD questions

Sometimes you ask empowering questions and get good results.
And sometimes you ask negating questions and are not happy with your results.

It is really important that you take control of what kind of questions you ask yourself, if you want to move away from repetitious unpleasant results, to step into a predictable success.

This is How Creative Questions conquer your mind…

Your mind starts to focus and surrenders to the real Source of your creative power… Limiting thought-questions are no longer the center of your attention… You are curious about enriching Creative Questions… You feel empowered, confident, and ready to succeed.

Your creative power is in total alignment with Source… You know who you are and enjoy your creations… Success is a given… You feel joy, love and gratitude for the amazing mind that you have as a friend and loyal servant of your deepest truth and desires… I tell you it feels really good!

You master the Creative Questions process… Your mind is addicted to thinking about peace and success… You feel and passionate about your life and all that you can create with this amazing mind that you have… You know exactly how to ask for what you want and more than that, you know how to RELAX and ALLOW IT! Your relationships, work, health, and life-style are now in ALIGNMENT with your success consciousness!

Living in a Statements world is repetitious.
Living in the Questions world you can create new results.

Are you deflating your creative power by rehashing your old answers-evidence-stagnation and conditioned thoughts-statements?

Don’t get bogged down by the confusion or negative thoughts-statements, because then your Creative Source cannot attend to your desires, and you aren’t making your potential success a reality.

When you want to access your creative power, you need to leverage your Questioning Mind!

With your Creative Questions System, you’ll get your basic “schooling” to become a master of your questioning mind. You’ll also learn how to use the high frequency questions that will bring you your success into your life!

Repetition or Expansion? It is your choice.

Negating thought-questions bring you limiting answers. Creative Questions are here to change that.

Constructing a Creative Question that will change your mind and create what you truly want can be tricky. A Creative Question needs to be properly formulated to not backfire, causing you unnecessary frustration…

…YOU have the solution right here, with 52 high frequency tested Creative Questions.

And the Rumors are True:
Life Gets Very Exciting
When You Master Your Mind.

Imagine picking the Creative Question Card that is your right support for this moment… with the exact high frequency question that will help you to vibrate and attract that quality into your experience…

How are you going to feel… when you confidently trust that the Universe is on your side…

What about waking up in the morning, feeling passionate about yourself and your life and knowing that your day will unfold as a miracle, because it is a match to your Creative Question and your desires.

Imagine having the Creative Question Cards at your service, and help you to turn ‘downs’ into a positive outlook that is the foundation for your success.

When You’re Ready To Expand,
You need Creative Questions to Get You There!

The Creative Question System is the way of thinking that taps directly into the Creative Power of the Universe and helps you to radically experience the joy of having a mind that serves YOU, with total loyalty!

How to Activate the Law of Attraction…

…and become a Vibrational Match with
Your Inherent Natural Health, Wealth & Happiness!

As you probably know from the movie The secret – Affirmations,
Peak Potential – Declarations,
Tony Robbins – Incantations and
Abraham-Hicks – Law of Attraction,
in order to get what you want,
they point out that you first need to FEEL and VIBRATE with the frequency that mimics what you want.

So, How Do You


Well, here it is.
The process that naturally
brings you right to your essential feeling-vibration.

Trying to become a vibrational match, through thinking positively, reciting Affirmations, Declarations, and Incantations imagining and visualizing, engaging with inspiring people and situations, and practicing daily disciplines, like yoga, exercises etc., is hard work and only lasts for as long as you keep doing your disciplines.

The Creative Question System, on the other hand, is the way of thinking that taps directly into the Creative Power of the Universe and helps you to radically experience the joy of having a mind that serves YOU, with total loyalty!

The Creative Question’s System is

How Do You Get What You Want?

If you are like most people, and you try to Dominate Your Mind with Positive Thinking and Affirmations, you’ll struggle with getting your mind to think the kind of thoughts that you need to be thinking, to be a vibrational match with creating your ideal life-style.

Mastering your Creative Mind and Creative Process can be simple, fun, and easy, if you Activate Your Success Consciousness with the Creative Question System.

By picking your daily
Creative Question Card 
you will radically increase your power
to create what you want

Here I am with Doctor Monica, Co-Creator of the Creative Question Cards, picking our morning Creative Question. We do this to start our day with a clear direction of what will be the most supportive focus for us to have today.

Sometimes we use the physical
Creative Question Cards

Sometimes we use the
Creative Questions App

As Doctor Monica says, “I believe that nurturing my mind is as important as nurturing my body, so I always start my breakfast with picking my Creative Question Card. They bring out the best in me.”

Since 2000, the Creative Questions system has proven its value with thousands of friends, clients, and students, in more than 10 countries.

People interested in:
– Personal Transformation
– Conscious Creation
– Personal Healing
– Overcoming Obstacles
– Life Coaching
– Yoga, Breathwork, Spirituality
– Holistic Practitioner and Trainer
– Achieving Goals
– Success
– Conscious Parenting
– Corporate Coaching and Training

If you are committed to your personal well-being, if you are looking for personal transformation, if you are a healer / coach or a trainer / teacher, and you are tired of struggling with your mind and your results (or the mind of your students / clients), then you need to read on…

Your Mind has an
inherent MOMENTUM to think.

  • You cannot stop your mind from thinking.
  • What your mind thinks about becomes your experience.
  • Your mind requires no effort from you to think. It keeps spontaneously and effortlessly thinking in one way or another, whether you like what it thinks about or not.
  • You can harness and direct your mind to think what you want it to think, and thus you can choose your experiences.

What Do YOU Do With Your Mind?

Are you Unconscious – Unaware?
You become unconscious when you are lost in a cloud of thoughts, and don’t know that you have the capacity to be aware of what thoughts you think… Drowning in a cloud of repetitious thinking, leaves you succumbed to a mediocre life…

Are you a Worrier?
You become a worrier when you get curious about disasters… are threatened by having negative thoughts… are busy with protecting yourself and fighting your negative thinking… you feel sorry for others… your life is a struggle… failure is your experience…

Are you Optimistic?
You are optimistic when your glass is half-full… Your mind is like a party, alight with fireworks… All kinds of good ideas keep popping up, one after another… You are optimistic, but unclear of what your real purpose is or what you want to achieve… Your success seems to always need one more step, but you aren’t catching up to it…

Are you a Meditator?
You think of yourself as a meditator when you try to still your mind… You feel peace… You are untouched by life… You are pure spirit, and all is well… Delicious! But what happens when you come back to your life, to your intimate relationship or to your work? Are you good or do you notice disturbing thoughts?

Bad News… Do you gravitate towards bad news? Are you fascinated with tragedy? Do you tend to have conversations about problems and misfortune?
Good News… Do you need good news to be able to connect with Love, Peace, Joy, Power, Abundance, and Success?

How Can You Master Your Mind?

If you want to easily master your creative power, you must educate your mind and make it your servant. It starts with a clear understanding where Creativity comes from.

Next, you must find the right way to authentically interact with your mind. You need to communicate in a way that it responds to you. Then it will instruct the Universe how to support you.

Finally, you must master how to use the high frequency questioning process that your success consciousness needs, to be able to create your ideal life-style. (These are the 52 empowering qualities you have with your Creative Question card.)

CHANGE can only be

When something happens to you, first you just observe what is happening. Then, you either react with statements about it, which are the same statements you made many times before. Nothing new here.

Or you respond with a question, like: “Why is this happening?” or “How can I fix this?” or “What is so good about this?”.

So, you see that to get a NEW point of view and to respond in a NEW way, your mind must ask a question.

Let me explain…
It is true that naturally we ask a lot of questions. When we are sincerely curious about something we investigate. You might not be aware of all the questions you ask yourself, but your mind is curious by nature. Look at a child and observe the innocence of curiosity.


Why is it so difficult?
How can I get help?
Why do I have to be quiet?

How can I win?
Why don’t they help me?
Why can’t I go out and play?

Notice how each of these questions brings out different responses. Since your mind looks for and finds answers to ALL your questions, choose your questions wisely.

GOOD or BAD questions

Sometimes you ask empowering questions and get good results.
And sometimes you ask negating questions and are not happy with your results.
It is really important that you take control of what kind of questions you ask yourself, if you want to move away from repetitious unpleasant results, to step into a predictable success.

This is How Creative Questions
conquer your mind…

Your mind starts to focus and surrenders to the real Source of your creative power… Limiting thought-questions are no longer the center of your attention… You are curious about enriching Creative Questions… You feel empowered, confident, and ready to succeed.

Your creative power is in total alignment with Source… You know who you are and enjoy your creations… Success is a given… You feel joy, love and gratitude for the amazing mind that you have as a friend and loyal servant of your deepest truth and desires… I tell you it feels really good!

You master the Creative Questions process… Your mind is addicted to thinking about peace and success… You feel and passionate about your life and all that you can create with this amazing mind that you have… You know exactly how to ask for what you want and more than that, you know how to RELAX and ALLOW IT! Your relationships, work, health, and life-style are now in ALIGNMENT with your success consciousness!

Living in a Statements world
is repetitious.
Living in the Questions world
you create new results.

Are you deflating your creative power by rehashing your old answers-evidence-stagnation and conditioned thoughts-statements?

Don’t get bogged down by the confusion or negative thoughts-statements, because then your Creative Source cannot attend to your desires, and you aren’t making your potential success a reality.

When you want to access your creative power, you need to leverage your Questioning Mind!

With your Creative Questions System, you’ll get your basic “schooling” to become a master of your questioning mind. You’ll also learn how to use the high frequency questions that will bring you your success into your life!

Repetition or Expansion?
It is your choice.

Negating thought-questions bring you limiting answers. Creative Questions are here to change that.

Constructing a Creative Question that will change your mind and create what you truly want can be tricky. A Creative Question needs to be properly formulated to not backfire, causing you unnecessary frustration…

…YOU have the solution right here, with 52 high frequency tested Creative Questions.

And the Rumors are True:
Life Gets Very Exciting
When You Master Your Mind.

Imagine picking the Creative Question Card that is your right support for this moment… with the exact high frequency question that will help you to vibrate and attract that quality into your experience…

How are you going to feel… when you confidently trust that the Universe is on your side…

What about waking up in the morning, feeling passionate about yourself and your life and knowing that your day will unfold as a miracle, because it is a match to your Creative Question and your desires.

Imagine having the Creative Question Cards at your service and help you to turn ‘downs’ into a positive outlook that is the foundation for your success.

When You’re Ready to Expand,
You can use Creative Questions
to Get You There!

The Creative Question System is the way of thinking that taps directly into the Creative Power of the Universe and helps you to radically experience the joy of having a mind that serves YOU, with total loyalty!

The easiest and best way to Contact us
is through our CHAT.

Follow us on Facebook


You can also contact ARNE here:​​

Costa Rica: (+506) 8311-1221


© 2000 – 2025 All rights reserved. Arne Rantzen

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