Place your mouse over the quotes and they will stop scrolling.
Ivan Balenovic
“My Natural Breathing Experience – Nov 9, 2023 – Feb 22, 2024.
Arne Rantzen says that Natural Breathing can bring about profound changes. In our sessions I had a clear memory of a childhood experience, that with Arne’s follow-up guidance, caused me to recognize the insignificance of a story I had been telling myself that tormented me all these years. With the understanding of that awareness, we opened the door to exploring other judgmental thoughts I was creating. Natural Breathing, Arne’s counselling and the Natural Breathing Owners Manual did indeed profoundly change my life. Ivan”
Mariana Marcu
“Arne is unique!
This is an amazing and priceless experience. Extremely deep, challenging, powerful, beautiful and life changing indeed!
Very high energy!
The strategies he teaches are precious and super useful.
Acceptance, allowing and surrendering to what is, are unforgettable and powerful learnings.
It is a self empowering experience that brought me deeper awareness, knowledge and Self Love.
An amazing investment of money and time.
The breathing technique brought me to touch the realm of infinity, freedom and well being. Freeing me of unnecessary energies.
My words are not enough to express my profound gratitude and appreciation! Thank you very much Arne! ❤🌈🌞”
Robyn Burnaford
“Arne and his Natural Breathing Coaching Program changed my life for the better. I went into the program with a couple of goals, and Arne not only helped me achieve them, but the breathwork and his coaching led me to peel back so many more layers and improve other areas of my life where I had no idea more happiness and fulfillment was hiding behind. I feel more joyful, healthy and strong than I ever have, and after 10 sessions, I feel prepared to continue on the path towards true happiness. It is without a doubt the best gift I have given myself and to my loved ones.”
Rachel Hartline
“I want to give a shout out of gratitude to my breathing coach Arne Rantzen in Costa Rica. I completed the Natural Breathing 10-Session Series and can truly say my life has changed dramatically throughout the last couple of months. Not only have I intensely experienced God but have discovered my true purpose in life. Can not wait to start up again with Doctor Monica. My Costa Rica friends be sure to checkout their Breathing Ceremony last Tuesday of every month!!”
Dean Stutz
“I’m doing well. 😊 I appreciated our sessions and grew more during our sessions than I had in the first 41 years of my life. I consider you a guru to me, and your lessons were eye-opening. I walked away from our sessions a much happier person.
I get what you’re saying about the mud settling. I need reminders of what we discussed from time to time when I think life is getting intense. I need the reminder that I’m creating the reality of what “intense” is. As for the breathing itself (once I was full of energy and let go), it was the most peaceful experiences I can remember.
Thank you for everything Arne!”
– Dean Stutz
Bonnie TeVelde
“Arne Rantzen and Doctor Monica are the greatest team of healers in the world, period. They were able to connect me with God and my Higher SELF, and all of my pain, physical (from being run over by a tractor at age 7) and emotional (from feeling fundamentally flawed and scarred) was dissolved from the inside out by Unconditional Love, Compassion, and Pure Intention to make space for a new healthy way of feeling.
I️ refrained from sharing this here for a week because I️ really couldn’t comprehend that this healing is permanent. The lessons learned are huge, and the joy in being almost completely free of pain medications for the first time in 30 years is indescribable.
Thank you Dr Monica for telling me to trust Arne. He is the best of the best and so are you!!!”
Rondi Anderson, Midwife
“I had done Breathwork before and found it meaningful, but Natural Breathing provided the guidance I needed to move through painful places I had previously resisted. I was surprised and relieved to find euphoria on the other side of my resistance, and some of my beliefs about what I can and can’t do were freed.”
Sheri Schnotala
“I was essentially home-bound because of allergies to just about everything. Going out was like a major expedition. Did I take my decongestant and antihistamine? Are Kleenex and my inhaler packed, etc? Nothing was easy. Nothing was spontaneous. Everything needed to be planned to the smallest detail. During a Natural Breathing session I reMEMBERed when I was 8 years old and had an accident. I apparently had made a deep decision that it is not safe to try something new or take a risk. As a result I had developed the allergies to keep me at home and safe. But as the allergies progressed I stopped living. Now, I love to explore new things and I have no problem going anywhere.”
Robert Carlson-Moeller
“I had a heavy chest, difficult to breathe and cold air hurt with each breath. I had pneumonia at 18 and almost died. After that I have kept getting sick and had to take antibiotics 4 to 5 times each year. I was missing out on work and the life I wanted to live. Natural Breathing freed my breathing to now feel that the tightness in my chest is gone. I feel more space both in my chest and in my life.”
Tim Hammes
I was not expecting Natural Breathing to be so powerful. The most powerful insight was my experience of Samadhi during one of my Natural Breathing sessions, experiencing that state has left me with a knowing that the Divine is indeed within each of us. This insight has changed the way I interact with the world on a daily basis. I am less anxious and spend less time worrying. I am much calmer and have a stronger sense of myself. I highly recommend the Natural Breathing 10 session series for anyone who is interested in learning more about, or improving themselves. The immediacy and the power of Natural Breathing have astounded me. I look forward to my next session.”
“The life-changing experiences of participating in the “breathing” workshop continues. My extreme fear of the water was a big obstacle in being able to fully enjoy a more full-color life.
I am now a PADI certified scuba-diver! I am certain that your work has given me the tools necessary to play in the seas depths in such a light and happy way. I hear my breath as it travels through the regulator and an remarkable peace replaces that fear that used to paralyze me!
I never imagined that I could use “water sport” and “fun” in the same sentence!
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! Love, Sally”
Ron Weseman
“I had been diagnosed with arterial fibrillation, a chronic heart problem. After working with Natural Breathing, I have had no symptoms for over one year and I have never felt better! I highly recommend this program to anyone with a health problem.”
Kristina Weber
“I grew up in a family that always struggled with money. When I became an adult, supporting myself, I too was always struggling and worrying about money. After working with Natural Breathing, I have more financial abundance than ever!”
Karla Finn
“I was having vascular hives and taking massive doses of a steroid prednisone. I was weak, fearful and depressed. I knew I had to change from the inside but I didn’t how. In the Unlimited Breath sessions I got waves of champagne bubbles going through my body leaving me feeling energized and strong.”
Jonathan Stein
“I’ve spent most of my life doubting myself and looking outside myself for answers. I’ve had gurus and therapists to guide me. I’ve continued to feel the need to trust my own wisdom but actually hearing and comprehending my inner guidance has always been difficult. Unlimited Breath has connected me with a level of inner knowing that I have not experienced before in my life. Receiving guidance from a guru or therapist didn’t compare to the experience of the deep inner voice speaking through me like a wise elder. That was undeniable, profound and visceral. I feel relief and excitement having discovered such a profound level of knowingness in myself.”
Jane Bibber
“I had been through treatment for a diagnosis of cancer and felt that I was limited in my energy to ever travel again. In my first Natural Breathing session I experienced tingling all through my body – a totally new experience of my body – I was amazed. Because I experienced this new sensation throughout my body I knew I could revitalize my body and realize my life long dream of going to Tibet.”
Rebecca Donaldson
“My biggest problem was that I used to see myself as a victim of life, where everything was inflicted upon me, with no hope for something better. Through Unlimited Breath my breathing has become easier and I can breathe deeper. I now feel empowered and energized.”
Paul Berg
“I had worked hard to suppress my spirit and became involved in a fear filled survival mode. I tried to nourish myself by drinking a lot. I had a lot of passion that I couldn’t get out and it hurt. Natural Breathing has shown me my inhibiting patterns and given me the ability and courage to let them go and make room for more living.”
Kathy Miller
“Through Natural Breathing I have changed my whole outlook on life. I feel self-acceptance. I have found a mate and a career that I really like.”
Linda Sanda
“Natural Breathing has helped me release my physical pain and feeling that life is a burden. Now I am excited and grateful to be alive.”
Ronda Harris
“Through Natural Breathing I have released my anxiety and difficulty breathing. I no longer feel fear or require a daily use of inhalers.”
Dakota Seymanski
“I had no life. All I did was sleep and go to work. I got up for work, went to work, came home and back to bed. Natural Breathing opened me up to feel alive and a desire to engage with life again. Now I have a life. I have moved, landed a better paying job and am engaging in life’s many experiences. I am amazed that Natural Breathing is so powerful and yet so easily done.”
Jessica Ronalds, Psychotherapist
“My Natural Breathing session was an intensely transcendent and, for the most part, blissful, experience. I felt connected to and clearly understood all aspects of my being: physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. These aspects were coursing through me in total harmony. I also felt a higher, larger spiritual energy guiding and supporting my whole being and life. The effects have stayed with me in the sense that I have felt more able to see and act on changing aspects of my life that are blocking my creativity. I have had more courage to face my fears and attempt to set myself free.”
Donna Lomp, Mother
“Natural Breathing is amazing. I went through some really deep stuff. Part of it was fear-based. Breathing through the fear released it completely. It’s powerful, healing work. I worked through things in my life that were troubling me. My back pain went away. I walked away feeling energized and peaceful at the same time. I highly recommend this work.”
Allison Mitchell, CMT, LMT Licensed Massage Therapist
“This Natural Breathing process brought about a profound sense of calmness. As someone who is very familiar with healing breath techniques, I feel curious to explore Natural Breathing further!”
Branden Byers
“Before Natural Breathing I was just pushing through life on a constant search for understanding. Everything I explored soon lost its attraction. I had no feeling for what I met. I was not getting any closer to my dreams but instead lived in depression. Natural Breathing has completely changed how I see my life. Now am I very aware of what I feel and understand.
Before I was painting my life on top of my shit and now my beautiful artwork shines through as my shit washes away.”
Suzette Schmidt
“Natural Breathing has given me so much insight about my entire existence, particularly how my birth process has affected and patterned my whole life. Now I have the insight to change my patterns and experience my life as meaningful.”
Jeremy Richman, Real Estate Agent
“I see Natural Breathing as a healing and awareness practice that also includes body-trauma-release. I have personally experienced how self-punishing conversations can get rooted into my unconscious and then into my body itself. I had one mind-blowing experience where one of my conversations came unstuck from my physicality and I felt it rising into my unconscious and then into my consciousness where I became aware of what it was saying and expelled it. The work has also been of great help to me in my fight to give up certain old habits by increasing the level of my mindfulness of my need to feed them. I can now – sometimes — get to the point of watching and simply acknowledging my need instead of acting it out in its thrall.”
Dan, MD
“The Power of Natural Breathing workshop was an interesting weekend to say the least. Lots of learning, emotions, experience, and created nice relationships. I definitely dove deeper into myself and have come up with much more focused plan of who I am and what I have to offer. My life philosophy has become much clearer to me. Thank you for that.”
“Hi, I just wanted to thank you once more for putting on a great workshop! Arne mentioned trying to break out of the fences around our cow pen, and I feel like the seminar was doing just that. Like everyone, I resist doing things out of my comfort zone, but I’m glad I did it. I learned some key concepts about enjoying the things that make us afraid, asking questions, and most of all– engaging in life with full and mindful breathing. I started using the Creative Questions Cards this morning and I know that is going to really change my thinking. These are powerhouse, revolutionary ideas, and I will be putting them to good use in my life. I wish you great success going forward!”
Melissa Johnson
“As a result of participating in the Natural Breathing workshop series, I have reconnected with my heart’s passion. I left a successful career in advertising and am now self-employed living my dream with more success than I ever thought possible!”
Pat Hollenhorst
“For years I could not eat wheat or dairy products without intestinal bloating and pain, and had totally eliminated them from my diet for the past 5 years. Since I began Natural Breathing five months ago, I am excited to report that I am now enjoying the full spectrum of culinary delights! My heartfelt thanks.”
Cathy Gale Perkins
“Before Natural Breathing I used to believe life was very hard, today everything in my life is becoming easy! Just recently we bought a lake home and rented our existing home all in 3 weeks time! It was so easy!!”
“I attended the Natural Breathing workshop series to see if I could regain my hearing. It was becoming very hard for me to hear. Over the several months of the workshop series my hearing has improved about 75% and it is still improving.”
J.R., Former Director of a Residential Treatment Facility
“I am able to support people in accomplishing far more significant change in their lives with ten Natural Breathing sessions than I could counsel them almost daily for six months in a residential treatment facility.”
This link takes you to
What People Say about Unlimited Body:
Place your mouse over the quotes and they will stop scrolling.
Ivan Balenovic
“My Natural Breathing Experience – Nov 9, 2023 – Feb 22, 2024.
Arne Rantzen says that Natural Breathing can bring about profound changes. In our sessions I had a clear memory of a childhood experience, that with Arne’s follow-up guidance, caused me to recognize the insignificance of a story I had been telling myself that tormented me all these years. With the understanding of that awareness, we opened the door to exploring other judgmental thoughts I was creating. Natural Breathing, Arne’s counselling and the Natural Breathing Owners Manual did indeed profoundly change my life. Ivan”
Mariana Marcu
“Testimonial from a recent client.
Arne is unique!
This is an amazing and priceless experience. Extremely deep, challenging, powerful, beautiful and life changing indeed!
Very high energy!
The strategies he teaches are precious and super useful.
Acceptance, allowing and surrendering to what is, are unforgettable and powerful learnings.
It is a self empowering experience that brought me deeper awareness, knowledge and Self Love.
An amazing investment of money and time.
The breathing technique brought me to touch the realm of infinity, freedom and well being. Freeing me of unnecessary energies.
My words are not enough to express my profound gratitude and appreciation! Thank you very much Arne! ❤🌈🌞”
Robyn Burnaford
“Arne and his Natural Breathing Coaching Program changed my life for the better. I went into the program with a couple of goals, and Arne not only helped me achieve them, but the breathwork and his coaching led me to peel back so many more layers and improve other areas of my life where I had no idea more happiness and fulfillment was hiding behind. I feel more joyful, healthy and strong than I ever have, and after 10 sessions, I feel prepared to continue on the path towards true happiness. It is without a doubt the best gift I have given myself and to my loved ones.”
Rachel Hartline
“I want to give a shout out of gratitude to my breathing coach Arne Rantzen in Costa Rica. I completed the Natural Breathing 10-Session Series and can truly say my life has changed dramatically throughout the last couple of months. Not only have I intensely experienced God but have discovered my true purpose in life. Can not wait to start up again with Doctor Monica. My Costa Rica friends be sure to checkout their Breathing Ceremony last Tuesday of every month!!”
Dean Stutz
“I’m doing well. 😊 I appreciated our sessions and grew more during our sessions than I had in the first 41 years of my life. I consider you a guru to me, and your lessons were eye-opening. I walked away from our sessions a much happier person.
I get what you’re saying about the mud settling. I need reminders of what we discussed from time to time when I think life is getting intense. I need the reminder that I’m creating the reality of what “intense” is. As for the breathing itself (once I was full of energy and let go), it was the most peaceful experiences I can remember.
Thank you for everything Arne!”
– Dean Stutz
Bonnie TeVelde
“Arne Rantzen and Doctor Monica are the greatest team of healers in the world, period. They were able to connect me with God and my Higher SELF, and all of my pain, physical (from being run over by a tractor at age 7) and emotional (from feeling fundamentally flawed and scarred) was dissolved from the inside out by Unconditional Love, Compassion, and Pure Intention to make space for a new healthy way of feeling.
I️ refrained from sharing this here for a week because I️ really couldn’t comprehend that this healing is permanent. The lessons learned are huge, and the joy in being almost completely free of pain medications for the first time in 30 years is indescribable.
Thank you Dr Monica for telling me to trust Arne. He is the best of the best and so are you!!!”
Rondi Anderson, Midwife
“I had done Breathwork before and found it meaningful, but Natural Breathing provided the guidance I needed to move through painful places I had previously resisted. I was surprised and relieved to find euphoria on the other side of my resistance, and some of my beliefs about what I can and can’t do were freed.”
Sheri Schnotala
“I was essentially home-bound because of allergies to just about everything. Going out was like a major expedition. Did I take my decongestant and antihistamine? Are Kleenex and my inhaler packed, etc? Nothing was easy. Nothing was spontaneous. Everything needed to be planned to the smallest detail. During a Natural Breathing session I reMEMBERed when I was 8 years old and had an accident. I apparently had made a deep decision that it is not safe to try something new or take a risk. As a result I had developed the allergies to keep me at home and safe. But as the allergies progressed I stopped living. Now, I love to explore new things and I have no problem going anywhere.”
Robert Carlson-Moeller
“I had a heavy chest, difficult to breathe and cold air hurt with each breath. I had pneumonia at 18 and almost died. After that I have kept getting sick and had to take antibiotics 4 to 5 times each year. I was missing out on work and the life I wanted to live. Natural Breathing freed my breathing to now feel that the tightness in my chest is gone. I feel more space both in my chest and in my life.”
Tim Hammes
I was not expecting Natural Breathing to be so powerful. The most powerful insight was my experience of Samadhi during one of my Natural Breathing sessions, experiencing that state has left me with a knowing that the Divine is indeed within each of us. This insight has changed the way I interact with the world on a daily basis. I am less anxious and spend less time worrying. I am much calmer and have a stronger sense of myself. I highly recommend the Natural Breathing 10 session series for anyone who is interested in learning more about, or improving themselves. The immediacy and the power of Natural Breathing have astounded me. I look forward to my next session.”
“The life-changing experiences of participating in the “breathing” workshop continues. My extreme fear of the water was a big obstacle in being able to fully enjoy a more full-color life.
I am now a PADI certified scuba-diver! I am certain that your work has given me the tools necessary to play in the seas depths in such a light and happy way. I hear my breath as it travels through the regulator and an remarkable peace replaces that fear that used to paralyze me!
I never imagined that I could use “water sport” and “fun” in the same sentence!
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! Love, Sally”
Ron Weseman
“I had been diagnosed with arterial fibrillation, a chronic heart problem. After working with Natural Breathing, I have had no symptoms for over one year and I have never felt better! I highly recommend this program to anyone with a health problem.”
Kristina Weber
“I grew up in a family that always struggled with money. When I became an adult, supporting myself, I too was always struggling and worrying about money. After working with Natural Breathing, I have more financial abundance than ever!”
Karla Finn
“I was having vascular hives and taking massive doses of a steroid prednisone. I was weak, fearful and depressed. I knew I had to change from the inside but I didn’t how. In the Unlimited Breath sessions I got waves of champagne bubbles going through my body leaving me feeling energized and strong.”
Jonathan Stein
“I’ve spent most of my life doubting myself and looking outside myself for answers. I’ve had gurus and therapists to guide me. I’ve continued to feel the need to trust my own wisdom but actually hearing and comprehending my inner guidance has always been difficult. Unlimited Breath has connected me with a level of inner knowing that I have not experienced before in my life. Receiving guidance from a guru or therapist didn’t compare to the experience of the deep inner voice speaking through me like a wise elder. That was undeniable, profound and visceral. I feel relief and excitement having discovered such a profound level of knowingness in myself.”
Jane Bibber
“I had been through treatment for a diagnosis of cancer and felt that I was limited in my energy to ever travel again. In my first Natural Breathing session I experienced tingling all through my body – a totally new experience of my body – I was amazed. Because I experienced this new sensation throughout my body I knew I could revitalize my body and realize my life long dream of going to Tibet.”
Rebecca Donaldson
“My biggest problem was that I used to see myself as a victim of life, where everything was inflicted upon me, with no hope for something better. Through Unlimited Breath my breathing has become easier and I can breathe deeper. I now feel empowered and energized.”
Paul Berg
“I had worked hard to suppress my spirit and became involved in a fear filled survival mode. I tried to nourish myself by drinking a lot. I had a lot of passion that I couldn’t get out and it hurt. Natural Breathing has shown me my inhibiting patterns and given me the ability and courage to let them go and make room for more living.”
Kathy Miller
“Through Natural Breathing I have changed my whole outlook on life. I feel self-acceptance. I have found a mate and a career that I really like.”
Linda Sanda
“Natural Breathing has helped me release my physical pain and feeling that life is a burden. Now I am excited and grateful to be alive.”
Ronda Harris
“Through Natural Breathing I have released my anxiety and difficulty breathing. I no longer feel fear or require a daily use of inhalers.”
Dakota Seymanski
“I had no life. All I did was sleep and go to work. I got up for work, went to work, came home and back to bed. Natural Breathing opened me up to feel alive and a desire to engage with life again. Now I have a life. I have moved, landed a better paying job and am engaging in life’s many experiences. I am amazed that Natural Breathing is so powerful and yet so easily done.”
Jessica Ronalds, Psychotherapist
“My Natural Breathing session was an intensely transcendent and, for the most part, blissful, experience. I felt connected to and clearly understood all aspects of my being: physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. These aspects were coursing through me in total harmony. I also felt a higher, larger spiritual energy guiding and supporting my whole being and life. The effects have stayed with me in the sense that I have felt more able to see and act on changing aspects of my life that are blocking my creativity. I have had more courage to face my fears and attempt to set myself free.”
Donna Lomp, Mother
“Natural Breathing is amazing. I went through some really deep stuff. Part of it was fear-based. Breathing through the fear released it completely. It’s powerful, healing work. I worked through things in my life that were troubling me. My back pain went away. I walked away feeling energized and peaceful at the same time. I highly recommend this work.”
Allison Mitchell, CMT, LMT Licensed Massage Therapist
“This Natural Breathing process brought about a profound sense of calmness. As someone who is very familiar with healing breath techniques, I feel curious to explore Natural Breathing further!”
Branden Byers
“Before Natural Breathing I was just pushing through life on a constant search for understanding. Everything I explored soon lost its attraction. I had no feeling for what I met. I was not getting any closer to my dreams but instead lived in depression. Natural Breathing has completely changed how I see my life. Now am I very aware of what I feel and understand.
Before I was painting my life on top of my shit and now my beautiful artwork shines through as my shit washes away.”
Suzette Schmidt
“Natural Breathing has given me so much insight about my entire existence, particularly how my birth process has affected and patterned my whole life. Now I have the insight to change my patterns and experience my life as meaningful.”
Jeremy Richman, Real Estate Agent
“I see Natural Breathing as a healing and awareness practice that also includes body-trauma-release. I have personally experienced how self-punishing conversations can get rooted into my unconscious and then into my body itself. I had one mind-blowing experience where one of my conversations came unstuck from my physicality and I felt it rising into my unconscious and then into my consciousness where I became aware of what it was saying and expelled it. The work has also been of great help to me in my fight to give up certain old habits by increasing the level of my mindfulness of my need to feed them. I can now – sometimes — get to the point of watching and simply acknowledging my need instead of acting it out in its thrall.”
Dan, MD
“The Power of Natural Breathing workshop was an interesting weekend to say the least. Lots of learning, emotions, experience, and created nice relationships. I definitely dove deeper into myself and have come up with much more focused plan of who I am and what I have to offer. My life philosophy has become much clearer to me. Thank you for that.”
“Hi, I just wanted to thank you once more for putting on a great workshop! Arne mentioned trying to break out of the fences around our cow pen, and I feel like the seminar was doing just that. Like everyone, I resist doing things out of my comfort zone, but I’m glad I did it. I learned some key concepts about enjoying the things that make us afraid, asking questions, and most of all– engaging in life with full and mindful breathing. I started using the Creative Questions Cards this morning and I know that is going to really change my thinking. These are powerhouse, revolutionary ideas, and I will be putting them to good use in my life. I wish you great success going forward!”
Melissa Johnson
“As a result of participating in the Natural Breathing workshop series, I have reconnected with my heart’s passion. I left a successful career in advertising and am now self-employed living my dream with more success than I ever thought possible!”
Pat Hollenhorst
“For years I could not eat wheat or dairy products without intestinal bloating and pain, and had totally eliminated them from my diet for the past 5 years. Since I began Natural Breathing five months ago, I am excited to report that I am now enjoying the full spectrum of culinary delights! My heartfelt thanks.”
Cathy Gale Perkins
“Before Natural Breathing I used to believe life was very hard, today everything in my life is becoming easy! Just recently we bought a lake home and rented our existing home all in 3 weeks time! It was so easy!!”
“I attended the Natural Breathing workshop series to see if I could regain my hearing. It was becoming very hard for me to hear. Over the several months of the workshop series my hearing has improved about 75% and it is still improving.”
J.R., Former Director of a Residential Treatment Facility
“I am able to support people in accomplishing far more significant change in their lives with ten Natural Breathing sessions than I could counsel them almost daily for six months in a residential treatment facility.”
This link takes you to
What People Say about Unlimited Body:
Place your mouse over the quotes and they will stop scrolling.
Ivan Balenovic
“My Natural Breathing Experience – Nov 9, 2023 – Feb 22, 2024.
Arne Rantzen says that Natural Breathing can bring about profound changes. In our sessions I had a clear memory of a childhood experience, that with Arne’s follow-up guidance, caused me to recognize the insignificance of a story I had been telling myself that tormented me all these years. With the understanding of that awareness, we opened the door to exploring other judgmental thoughts I was creating. Natural Breathing, Arne’s counselling and the Natural Breathing Owners Manual did indeed profoundly change my life. Ivan”
Mariana Marcu
“Testimonial from a recent client.
Arne is unique!This is an amazing and priceless experience. Extremely deep, challenging, powerful, beautiful and life changing indeed!
Very high energy!
The strategies he teaches are precious and super useful.
Acceptance, allowing and surrendering to what is, are unforgettable and powerful learnings.
It is a self empowering experience that brought me deeper awareness, knowledge and Self Love.
An amazing investment of money and time.
The breathing technique brought me to touch the realm of infinity, freedom and well being. Freeing me of unnecessary energies.
My words are not enough to express my profound gratitude and appreciation! Thank you very much Arne! ❤🌈🌞”
Robyn Burnaford
“Arne and his Natural Breathing Coaching Program changed my life for the better. I went into the program with a couple of goals, and Arne not only helped me achieve them, but the breathwork and his coaching led me to peel back so many more layers and improve other areas of my life where I had no idea more happiness and fulfillment was hiding behind. I feel more joyful, healthy and strong than I ever have, and after 10 sessions, I feel prepared to continue on the path towards true happiness. It is without a doubt the best gift I have given myself and to my loved ones.”
Rachel Hartline
“I want to give a shout out of gratitude to my breathing coach Arne Rantzen in Costa Rica. I completed the Natural Breathing 10-Session Series and can truly say my life has changed dramatically throughout the last couple of months. Not only have I intensely experienced God but have discovered my true purpose in life. Can not wait to start up again with Doctor Monica. My Costa Rica friends be sure to checkout their Breathing Ceremony last Tuesday of every month!!”
Dean Stutz
“I’m doing well. 😊 I appreciated our sessions and grew more during our sessions than I had in the first 41 years of my life. I consider you a guru to me, and your lessons were eye-opening. I walked away from our sessions a much happier person.
I get what you’re saying about the mud settling. I need reminders of what we discussed from time to time when I think life is getting intense. I need the reminder that I’m creating the reality of what “intense” is. As for the breathing itself (once I was full of energy and let go), it was the most peaceful experiences I can remember.
Thank you for everything Arne!”
– Dean Stutz
Bonnie TeVelde
“Arne Rantzen and Doctor Monica are the greatest team of healers in the world, period. They were able to connect me with God and my Higher SELF, and all of my pain, physical (from being run over by a tractor at age 7) and emotional (from feeling fundamentally flawed and scarred) was dissolved from the inside out by Unconditional Love, Compassion, and Pure Intention to make space for a new healthy way of feeling.
I️ refrained from sharing this here for a week because I️ really couldn’t comprehend that this healing is permanent. The lessons learned are huge, and the joy in being almost completely free of pain medications for the first time in 30 years is indescribable.
Thank you Dr Monica for telling me to trust Arne. He is the best of the best and so are you!!!”
Rondi Anderson, Midwife
“I had done Breathwork before and found it meaningful, but Natural Breathing provided the guidance I needed to move through painful places I had previously resisted. I was surprised and relieved to find euphoria on the other side of my resistance, and some of my beliefs about what I can and can’t do were freed.”
Sheri Schnotala
“I was essentially home-bound because of allergies to just about everything. Going out was like a major expedition. Did I take my decongestant and antihistamine? Are Kleenex and my inhaler packed, etc? Nothing was easy. Nothing was spontaneous. Everything needed to be planned to the smallest detail. During a Natural Breathing session I reMEMBERed when I was 8 years old and had an accident. I apparently had made a deep decision that it is not safe to try something new or take a risk. As a result I had developed the allergies to keep me at home and safe. But as the allergies progressed I stopped living. Now, I love to explore new things and I have no problem going anywhere.”
Robert Carlson-Moeller
“I had a heavy chest, difficult to breathe and cold air hurt with each breath. I had pneumonia at 18 and almost died. After that I have kept getting sick and had to take antibiotics 4 to 5 times each year. I was missing out on work and the life I wanted to live. Natural Breathing freed my breathing to now feel that the tightness in my chest is gone. I feel more space both in my chest and in my life.”
Tim Hammes
I was not expecting Natural Breathing to be so powerful. The most powerful insight was my experience of Samadhi during one of my Natural Breathing sessions, experiencing that state has left me with a knowing that the Divine is indeed within each of us. This insight has changed the way I interact with the world on a daily basis. I am less anxious and spend less time worrying. I am much calmer and have a stronger sense of myself. I highly recommend the Natural Breathing 10 session series for anyone who is interested in learning more about, or improving themselves. The immediacy and the power of Natural Breathing have astounded me. I look forward to my next session.”
“The life-changing experiences of participating in the “breathing” workshop continues. My extreme fear of the water was a big obstacle in being able to fully enjoy a more full-color life.
I am now a PADI certified scuba-diver! I am certain that your work has given me the tools necessary to play in the seas depths in such a light and happy way. I hear my breath as it travels through the regulator and an remarkable peace replaces that fear that used to paralyze me!
I never imagined that I could use “water sport” and “fun” in the same sentence!
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! Love, Sally”
Ron Weseman
“I had been diagnosed with arterial fibrillation, a chronic heart problem. After working with Natural Breathing, I have had no symptoms for over one year and I have never felt better! I highly recommend this program to anyone with a health problem.”
Kristina Weber
“I grew up in a family that always struggled with money. When I became an adult, supporting myself, I too was always struggling and worrying about money. After working with Natural Breathing, I have more financial abundance than ever!”
Karla Finn
“I was having vascular hives and taking massive doses of a steroid prednisone. I was weak, fearful and depressed. I knew I had to change from the inside but I didn’t how. In the Unlimited Breath sessions I got waves of champagne bubbles going through my body leaving me feeling energized and strong.”
Jonathan Stein
“I’ve spent most of my life doubting myself and looking outside myself for answers. I’ve had gurus and therapists to guide me. I’ve continued to feel the need to trust my own wisdom but actually hearing and comprehending my inner guidance has always been difficult. Unlimited Breath has connected me with a level of inner knowing that I have not experienced before in my life. Receiving guidance from a guru or therapist didn’t compare to the experience of the deep inner voice speaking through me like a wise elder. That was undeniable, profound and visceral. I feel relief and excitement having discovered such a profound level of knowingness in myself.”
Jane Bibber
“I had been through treatment for a diagnosis of cancer and felt that I was limited in my energy to ever travel again. In my first Natural Breathing session I experienced tingling all through my body – a totally new experience of my body – I was amazed. Because I experienced this new sensation throughout my body I knew I could revitalize my body and realize my life long dream of going to Tibet.”
Rebecca Donaldson
“My biggest problem was that I used to see myself as a victim of life, where everything was inflicted upon me, with no hope for something better. Through Unlimited Breath my breathing has become easier and I can breathe deeper. I now feel empowered and energized.”
Paul Berg
“I had worked hard to suppress my spirit and became involved in a fear filled survival mode. I tried to nourish myself by drinking a lot. I had a lot of passion that I couldn’t get out and it hurt. Natural Breathing has shown me my inhibiting patterns and given me the ability and courage to let them go and make room for more living.”
Kathy Miller
“Through Natural Breathing I have changed my whole outlook on life. I feel self-acceptance. I have found a mate and a career that I really like.”
Linda Sanda
“Natural Breathing has helped me release my physical pain and feeling that life is a burden. Now I am excited and grateful to be alive.”
Ronda Harris
“Through Natural Breathing I have released my anxiety and difficulty breathing. I no longer feel fear or require a daily use of inhalers.”
Dakota Seymanski
“I had no life. All I did was sleep and go to work. I got up for work, went to work, came home and back to bed. Natural Breathing opened me up to feel alive and a desire to engage with life again. Now I have a life. I have moved, landed a better paying job and am engaging in life’s many experiences. I am amazed that Natural Breathing is so powerful and yet so easily done.”
Jessica Ronalds, Psychotherapist
“My Natural Breathing session was an intensely transcendent and, for the most part, blissful, experience. I felt connected to and clearly understood all aspects of my being: physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. These aspects were coursing through me in total harmony. I also felt a higher, larger spiritual energy guiding and supporting my whole being and life. The effects have stayed with me in the sense that I have felt more able to see and act on changing aspects of my life that are blocking my creativity. I have had more courage to face my fears and attempt to set myself free.”
Donna Lomp, Mother
“Natural Breathing is amazing. I went through some really deep stuff. Part of it was fear-based. Breathing through the fear released it completely. It’s powerful, healing work. I worked through things in my life that were troubling me. My back pain went away. I walked away feeling energized and peaceful at the same time. I highly recommend this work.”
Allison Mitchell, CMT, LMT Licensed Massage Therapist
“This Natural Breathing process brought about a profound sense of calmness. As someone who is very familiar with healing breath techniques, I feel curious to explore Natural Breathing further!”
Branden Byers
“Before Natural Breathing I was just pushing through life on a constant search for understanding. Everything I explored soon lost its attraction. I had no feeling for what I met. I was not getting any closer to my dreams but instead lived in depression. Natural Breathing has completely changed how I see my life. Now am I very aware of what I feel and understand.
Before I was painting my life on top of my shit and now my beautiful artwork shines through as my shit washes away.”
Suzette Schmidt
“Natural Breathing has given me so much insight about my entire existence, particularly how my birth process has affected and patterned my whole life. Now I have the insight to change my patterns and experience my life as meaningful.”
Jeremy Richman, Real Estate Agent
“I see Natural Breathing as a healing and awareness practice that also includes body-trauma-release. I have personally experienced how self-punishing conversations can get rooted into my unconscious and then into my body itself. I had one mind-blowing experience where one of my conversations came unstuck from my physicality and I felt it rising into my unconscious and then into my consciousness where I became aware of what it was saying and expelled it. The work has also been of great help to me in my fight to give up certain old habits by increasing the level of my mindfulness of my need to feed them. I can now – sometimes — get to the point of watching and simply acknowledging my need instead of acting it out in its thrall.”
Dan, MD
“The Power of Natural Breathing workshop was an interesting weekend to say the least. Lots of learning, emotions, experience, and created nice relationships. I definitely dove deeper into myself and have come up with much more focused plan of who I am and what I have to offer. My life philosophy has become much clearer to me. Thank you for that.”
“Hi, I just wanted to thank you once more for putting on a great workshop! Arne mentioned trying to break out of the fences around our cow pen, and I feel like the seminar was doing just that. Like everyone, I resist doing things out of my comfort zone, but I’m glad I did it. I learned some key concepts about enjoying the things that make us afraid, asking questions, and most of all– engaging in life with full and mindful breathing. I started using the Creative Questions Cards this morning and I know that is going to really change my thinking. These are powerhouse, revolutionary ideas, and I will be putting them to good use in my life. I wish you great success going forward!”
Melissa Johnson
“As a result of participating in the Natural Breathing workshop series, I have reconnected with my heart’s passion. I left a successful career in advertising and am now self-employed living my dream with more success than I ever thought possible!”
Pat Hollenhorst
“For years I could not eat wheat or dairy products without intestinal bloating and pain, and had totally eliminated them from my diet for the past 5 years. Since I began Natural Breathing five months ago, I am excited to report that I am now enjoying the full spectrum of culinary delights! My heartfelt thanks.”
Cathy Gale Perkins
“Before Natural Breathing I used to believe life was very hard, today everything in my life is becoming easy! Just recently we bought a lake home and rented our existing home all in 3 weeks time! It was so easy!!”
“I attended the Natural Breathing workshop series to see if I could regain my hearing. It was becoming very hard for me to hear. Over the several months of the workshop series my hearing has improved about 75% and it is still improving.”
J.R., Former Director of a Residential Treatment Facility
“I am able to support people in accomplishing far more significant change in their lives with ten Natural Breathing sessions than I could counsel them almost daily for six months in a residential treatment facility.”
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You can also contact: Arne Rantzen
Costa Rica: (+506) 8311-1221
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