There are 2 reasons why you sometimes automatically breathe more and sometimes less:
1. Natural Breathing spontaneously inflate you with more Life-force and Well-being and thus keep you above the Breathing Threshold when:
• You relax and let go, like when you sigh and yawn.
• You are carefree and enjoy a good laugh.
• You open up restrained emotions.
• You let go and fall sleep.
• You physically exert yourself.
2. The Breathing Control System forces you to remain in a status quo aliveness balance, making sure you don’t build up more energy than you use up and thus keep you below the Breathing Threshold when:
• You are physically active you breathe more and when you are physically inactive you breathe less.
• You are mentally agitated you breathe more and when you are mentally calm you breathe less.
The Breathing Control System resists Natural Breathing, but it can’t actually totally stop it, like you can’t choose to stop your breathing for more than a moment.
Excerpt from the Natural Breathing Own Your Self Manual.
There are 2 reasons why you sometimes automatically breathe more and sometimes less:
1. Natural Breathing spontaneously inflate you with more Life-force and Well-being and thus keep you above the Breathing Threshold when:
• You relax and let go, like when you sigh and yawn.
• You are carefree and enjoy a good laugh.
• You open up restrained emotions.
• You let go and fall sleep.
• You physically exert yourself.
2. The Breathing Control System forces you to remain in a status quo aliveness balance, making sure you don’t build up more energy than you use up and thus keep you below the Breathing Threshold when:
• You are physically active you breathe more and when you are physically inactive you breathe less.
• You are mentally agitated you breathe more and when you are mentally calm you breathe less.
The Breathing Control System resists Natural Breathing, but it can’t actually totally stop it, like you can’t choose to stop your breathing for more than a moment.
Excerpt from the Natural Breathing Own Your Self Manual.