If you are wondering what motivates people to work with people like me, how long they continue working with me, and if you are approaching your Life-Journey in the right way, here is a short observation:
1. Some people have an innate urge to know who they really are and what is the meaning of life. They use their life-journey as a guide of how to expand, live a meaningful life, and to know themselves. They come without issues and are open to expand into more wisdom, joy, and success. These people have it easy. They continue their Life-journey Coaching voluntarily.
2. Some people have a drive to being and doing their best and to expand into greater success. Sometimes they have to make life-changing-decisions and are uncertain of if they should choose to go along with what is expected of them or if they should choose what makes them excited to be alive. They come to me to get guidance and encouragement. These people investigate their options and possibilities. They voluntarily take an active role in making the best out of their lives. They continue their Coaching until they feel clear about what is right for them and have courage to act on them. Sometimes they return to their Coaching when they meet new difficult decisions.
3. Some people get into what is called mid-life crises, because they have accomplished everything they set out to do and now they don’t know what to do. They find themselves without purpose and no foundation to stand on, so they come to get help with dealing with feeling bored, depressed, and confused, and to find their purpose for living again. These people are lost. They struggle, while still continuing their Coaching until they find their Purpose again.
4. Some people have so much emotional and physical pain, disabilities, and financial or relationships problems that they can’t continue doing what they were doing and can’t function, so they come to me to release pain, issues, solve problems, and get hope and help with a new way of living. These people are going through a hard time. They are forced to find help. Once their issue is solved, or goal is achieved they stop their coaching. They may come back for more Coaching when another issue shows up.
Can you identify which option you are at?
If you can, then you know your motivation to do Coaching, what you are looking for, and your expected engagement.
Excerpt from the Natural Breathing Own Your Self Manual.
If you are wondering what motivates people to work with people like me, how long they continue working with me, and if you are approaching your Life-Journey in the right way, here is a short observation:
1. Some people have an innate urge to know who they really are and what is the meaning of life. They use their life-journey as a guide of how to expand, live a meaningful life, and to know themselves. They come without issues and are open to expand into more wisdom, joy, and success. These people have it easy. They continue their Life-journey Coaching voluntarily.
2. Some people have a drive to being and doing their best and to expand into greater success. Sometimes they have to make life-changing-decisions and are uncertain of if they should choose to go along with what is expected of them or if they should choose what makes them excited to be alive. They come to me to get guidance and encouragement. These people investigate their options and possibilities. They voluntarily take an active role in making the best out of their lives. They continue their Coaching until they feel clear about what is right for them and have courage to act on them. Sometimes they return to their Coaching when they meet new difficult decisions.
3. Some people get into what is called mid-life crises, because they have accomplished everything they set out to do and now they don’t know what to do. They find themselves without purpose and no foundation to stand on, so they come to get help with dealing with feeling bored, depressed, and confused, and to find their purpose for living again. These people are lost. They struggle, while still continuing their Coaching until they find their Purpose again.
4. Some people have so much emotional and physical pain, disabilities, and financial or relationships problems that they can’t continue doing what they were doing and can’t function, so they come to me to release pain, issues, solve problems, and get hope and help with a new way of living. These people are going through a hard time. They are forced to find help. Once their issue is solved, or goal is achieved they stop their coaching. They may come back for more Coaching when another issue shows up.
Can you identify which option you are at?
If you can, then you know your motivation to do Coaching, what you are looking for, and your expected engagement.
Excerpt from the Natural Breathing Own Your Self Manual.