The Creative Questions Approach

Your Thinking Process consists of 2 parts – Questions and Answers.

Questions directs your thinking to find answers and solutions.

If you are unaware of the power of questions, then you can easily get caught in asking destructive questions, leading to damaging understanding and results.

We tend to ask limiting questions, like, if your car doesn’t start, you’ll easily ask “Why isn’t my car starting?” But when it starts you don’t ask “Why is my car starting?”

The purpose of Creative Questions is to harness and direct your Thinking Process to transform unwanted questions and their results, to make you think in alignment with what you do want.

Creative Questions are specific questions that activate your creativity and stimulate and force your Thinking Process to find the solutions that your mind needs to be able to manifest what you want.

A Creative Question
is a favorable question
that has the answer built into the question,
so there is only a positive way you can respond to the question.

For example, “Why am I happy?” cannot give you the answer “Because I am a failure.” But must answer “Because I am successful.” This leads to you feeling wonderful.

Excerpt from the Natural Breathing Own Your Self Manual.

Your Thinking Process consists of 2 parts – Questions and Answers.

Questions directs your thinking to find answers and solutions.

If you are unaware of the power of questions, then you can easily get caught in asking destructive questions, leading to damaging understanding and results.

We tend to ask limiting questions, like, if your car doesn’t start, you’ll easily ask “Why isn’t my car starting?” But when it starts you don’t ask “Why is my car starting?”

The purpose of Creative Questions is to harness and direct your Thinking Process to transform unwanted questions and their results, to make you think in alignment with what you do want.

Creative Questions are specific questions that activate your creativity and stimulate and force your Thinking Process to find the solutions that your mind needs to be able to manifest what you want.

A Creative Question
is a favorable question
that has the answer built into the question,
so there is only a positive way you can respond to the question.

For example, “Why am I happy?” cannot give you the answer “Because I am a failure.” But must answer “Because I am successful.” This leads to you feeling wonderful.

Excerpt from the Natural Breathing Own Your Self Manual.

What Is Breathwork?

I am writing this article, because I have noticed there are more and more breathing techniques out there, and I am curious about what is happening with the Breathwork movement and where Breathwork is going from here.

I started my Breathwork journey 1984 with Rebirthing, when Leonard Orr discovered Conscious Connected Breathing. At that time, all we did was Conscious Connected Breathing and that was powerful enough to make this, my and millions of others, our Life-journey.

Then, the BREATHWORK PREMISE was that Natural Breathing is already an integral part of us, and not something we need to add or create. It is even so powerful that it can create life. Since, we can’t create life, we can assume that Natural Breathing knows something we don’t.

We also learned that, if our Natural Breathing got hampered, by mis-learned breathing and traumas, we can restore it by undoing the cause of the impaired breathing, by simulating or jump-start our Natural Breathing. When the issue got resolved, no more breathwork was needed on that issue, so we could settle back into our easy life-giving Natural Breathing.

Now, when I search for BREATHWORK, I find many breathwork techniques that are different from each other, in intention, application and effect.

Generally, “Breathwork” will give you some experience and make you feel invigorated and inspired, so it seems to be a useful process.

These are some of the Breathwork Techniques I have found:

There is chest breathing, belly breathing, nose breathing, mouth breathing, conscious connected breathing, natural breathing, intentionally changing and controlling the breathing, hot-water breathing, cold-water breathing.

Some Breathwork is “breathwork-and-something”, including components that are in addition to breathing, intending to maximize a certain effect, such as, counting your breaths, slow breathing, holding the breath breathing, yoga breathing, guided breathing, group breathing, breathing with drugs, movement, dancing, music, sound waves, mantra breathing, breathing with visualization, and breathing with a certain goal in mind…

Some use breathwork to be able to do extraordinary physical feats.
Some use it to access altered states.
Some use it for emotional release.
Some use it to calm down.
Some use it to improve the breathing mechanism.
Some use it for detoxification and cleansing.
Some use it to escape symptoms.
Some use it to prevent or heal disease.
Some use it to create or improve a specific aspect of their external world.
Some use it as a daily practice.
Some use it to connect with a “higher power”.
Some use it for meditation for spiritual awakening.

Some Breathworkers trust that our Natural Breathing already creates and maintains well-being, so they encourage a breathing that is free of “idea” interventions and physical distraction.

Does that mean that breathwork has many applications that we were unaware of, or is breathwork evolving, or are we missing the point and over-ride its true benefits and gifts?

Supposedly, breathing is breathing, and Life-force rides on the breath. So, every breathing technique should be good. Right?

With all these choices you have to ask yourself what are you looking for?

Maybe you are searching for a way to let go of suffering; Maybe you have health issues; Maybe you want to create health; Maybe you have survival fears; Maybe you are without work or can’t continue your business as usual; Maybe you feel lost; Maybe you don’t want to be alone; Maybe you don’t want to be controlled; Maybe you are in the rat-race and competition; Maybe you want power and status; Maybe you are just looking for something to do; Maybe you want to release sub-conscious material; Maybe you want to feel that you do spiritual work; Maybe you want to meet your Real Self; Maybe you want to restore your Source within; Maybe you feel inspired to help; Maybe you want to be more creative or productive.

Once you know what you want, you can research which of the various breathwork understandings, applications, and technique will suit you.

Natural Breathing is a breathing technique that happens naturally when there is “no mind” or ideas and concepts directing your breathing – and thus is not really a technique – but a surrender to breath’s innate ability to breathe you and give you life, health, wealth, happiness, and fulfillment.

How do you know what true Natural Breathing is?

Watching how you actually breathe, when you “stop holding your breath” and “get out of the way”, might give you a clue. This happens when you sigh, yawn, have an emotion, run, fall asleep, laugh, are excited, make love, etc.

In the above situations you can find certain similarities or common thread of how Natural Breathing happens. So, it stands to reason, that changes in the way you breathe, when you are “caught off guard”, indicates what your breathing really wants to do, when it is not controlled, but set free.

Having identified those characteristics, you can purposely jump-start this Natural Breathing and reap all the benefits of naturally being fueled and supported by Life-force.


I am writing this article, because I have noticed there are more and more breathing techniques out there, and I am curious about what is happening with the Breathwork movement and where Breathwork is going from here.

I started my Breathwork journey 1984 with Rebirthing, when Leonard Orr discovered Conscious Connected Breathing. At that time, all we did was Conscious Connected Breathing and that was powerful enough to make this, my and millions of others, our Life-journey.

Then, the BREATHWORK PREMISE was that Natural Breathing is already an integral part of us, and not something we need to add or create. It is even so powerful that it can create life. Since, we can’t create life, we can assume that Natural Breathing knows something we don’t.

We also learned that, if our Natural Breathing got hampered, by mis-learned breathing and traumas, we can restore it by undoing the cause of the impaired breathing, by simulating or jump-start our Natural Breathing. When the issue got resolved, no more breathwork was needed on that issue, so we could settle back into our easy life-giving Natural Breathing.

Now, when I search for BREATHWORK, I find many breathwork techniques that are different from each other, in intention, application and effect.

Generally, “Breathwork” will give you some experience and make you feel invigorated and inspired, so it seems to be a useful process.

These are some of the Breathwork Techniques I have found:

There is chest breathing, belly breathing, nose breathing, mouth breathing, conscious connected breathing, natural breathing, intentionally changing and controlling the breathing, hot-water breathing, cold-water breathing.

Some Breathwork is “breathwork-and-something”, including components that are in addition to breathing, intending to maximize a certain effect, such as, counting your breaths, slow breathing, holding the breath breathing, yoga breathing, guided breathing, group breathing, breathing with drugs, movement, dancing, music, sound waves, mantra breathing, breathing with visualization, and breathing with a certain goal in mind…

Some use breathwork to be able to do extraordinary physical feats.
Some use it to access altered states.
Some use it for emotional release.
Some use it to calm down.
Some use it to improve the breathing mechanism.
Some use it for detoxification and cleansing.
Some use it to escape symptoms.
Some use it to prevent or heal disease.
Some use it to create or improve a specific aspect of their external world.
Some use it as a daily practice.
Some use it to connect with a “higher power”.
Some use it for meditation for spiritual awakening.

Some Breathworkers trust that our Natural Breathing already creates and maintains well-being, so they encourage a breathing that is free of “idea” interventions and physical distraction.

Does that mean that breathwork has many applications that we were unaware of, or is breathwork evolving, or are we missing the point and over-ride its true benefits and gifts?

Supposedly, breathing is breathing, and Life-force rides on the breath. So, every breathing technique should be good. Right?

With all these choices you have to ask yourself what are you looking for?

Maybe you are searching for a way to let go of suffering; Maybe you have health issues; Maybe you want to create health; Maybe you have survival fears; Maybe you are without work or can’t continue your business as usual; Maybe you feel lost; Maybe you don’t want to be alone; Maybe you don’t want to be controlled; Maybe you are in the rat-race and competition; Maybe you want power and status; Maybe you are just looking for something to do; Maybe you want to release sub-conscious material; Maybe you want to feel that you do spiritual work; Maybe you want to meet your Real Self; Maybe you want to restore your Source within; Maybe you feel inspired to help; Maybe you want to be more creative or productive.

Once you know what you want, you can research which of the various breathwork understandings, applications, and technique will suit you.

Natural Breathing is a breathing technique that happens naturally when there is “no mind” or ideas and concepts directing your breathing – and thus is not really a technique – but a surrender to breath’s innate ability to breathe you and give you life, health, wealth, happiness, and fulfillment.

How do you know what true Natural Breathing is?

Watching how you actually breathe, when you “stop holding your breath” and “get out of the way”, might give you a clue. This happens when you sigh, yawn, have an emotion, run, fall asleep, laugh, are excited, make love, etc.

In the above situations you can find certain similarities or common thread of how Natural Breathing happens. So, it stands to reason, that changes in the way you breathe, when you are “caught off guard”, indicates what your breathing really wants to do, when it is not controlled, but set free.

Having identified those characteristics, you can purposely jump-start this Natural Breathing and reap all the benefits of naturally being fueled and supported by Life-force.

Your Natural State

Your Natural State is what you experience when you remain conscious of being here and now, just as it is. This state is experienced as awareness.

Your Natural State is like the metaphor of the sun:

  • It is always present.
  • It always shines.
  • It is always warming.
  • It doesn’t need anything.
  • It doesn’t ask for anything.
  • It has its own incessant self-perpetuating power.
  • It is creative.
  • It nurtures life.

The View of the Natural State can get covered by the clouds of mis-thinking, like fabricated ideas of who you are, judgements against what you don’t want, attachments of what you think you need, Incomplete Experiences being stuck in emotions and unawareness of its existence.

When the clouds dissolve, your Natural State does not have to be re-activated, because it was always there, behind the clouds.

Excerpt from the Natural Breathing Own Your Self Manual.

Your Natural State is what you experience when you remain conscious of being here and now, just as it is. This state is experienced as awareness.

Your Natural State is like the metaphor of the sun:

  • It is always present.
  • It always shines.
  • It is always warming.
  • It doesn’t need anything.
  • It doesn’t ask for anything.
  • It has its own incessant self-perpetuating power.
  • It is creative.
  • It nurtures life.

The View of the Natural State can get covered by the clouds of mis-thinking, like fabricated ideas of who you are, judgements against what you don’t want, attachments of what you think you need, Incomplete Experiences being stuck in emotions and unawareness of its existence.

When the clouds dissolve, your Natural State does not have to be re-activated, because it was always there, behind the clouds.

Excerpt from the Natural Breathing Own Your Self Manual.

The Manifestation Process

There are 3 ingredients to the Manifestation Process

The 1st ingredient is the incessantly erupting Source Energy.
It is the self-perpetuating and spontaneously appearing Life-force.
This Life-force is what creates you and your world. It is what fuels you and projects the results of your thinking.

The 2nd ingredient is your “Thinking Process”.
It can be fleeting thoughts or pearls of wisdom.
Or you can be caught in the unaware Thinking Process with programming and Incomplete Experiences.

The 3rd ingredient is your externally projected objective world.
It is your thinking, projected through the light of Source Energy, on to the canvas of your perceived world.

Excerpt from the Natural Breathing Own Your Self Manual.

There are 3 ingredients to the Manifestation Process

The 1st ingredient is the incessantly erupting Source Energy.
It is the self-perpetuating and spontaneously appearing Life-force.
This Life-force is what creates you and your world. It is what fuels you and projects the results of your thinking.

The 2nd ingredient is your “Thinking Process”.
It can be fleeting thoughts or pearls of wisdom.
Or you can be caught in the unaware Thinking Process with programming and Incomplete Experiences.

The 3rd ingredient is your externally projected objective world.
It is your thinking, projected through the light of Source Energy, on to the canvas of your perceived world.

Excerpt from the Natural Breathing Own Your Self Manual.

Own Your Real Self

You do experience an external world and sometimes you worry and suffer from what you observe in it.

BUT, before all that, YOU MUST BE ALREADY HERE, otherwise it wouldn’t be possible for you to perceive an external world.

– Which means, you are not what you perceive.

– Which means, the only way you can suffer is by making-up that there is a problem with the things you observe (not everyone agrees with your opinion, nor suffer from what you think causes you suffering).

– Which means, the place YOU ARE LOOKING FROM, is a place, other than the external world, feeling like home, peace, love, and aliveness. And you have not even created this place.

– Which means, there is a place, where your true spontaneous nature is JUST HERE, without any struggle, expense, or suffering.

Awareness is where you come from (your source) and who you are in essence (your beingness). Awareness is your basic natural foundation. Without your awareness you wouldn’t have any experiences and you wouldn’t experience existing.

Although, Awareness can be temporarily forgotten and hidden, it cannot be created or deleted. Awareness cannot be wrong, changed, improved, or purified. Awareness is only the observing, opinion-less, pure presence, like that perceiving thing, looking out from your eyes.

So, if you recognize and live in your presence, you live in the perfect now, and in no need of correction.

But your mind can eclipse your awareness, leaving you un-aware. That “separated from Awareness” wants to be validated and recognized as being real and accurate.

It wants you to be busy correcting yourself and the world, so it won’t disappear as you touch Awareness.

You are the Awareness.

Natural Breathing is a great way to:

* Wake you up from your limiting and painful suffering and give you a direct experience of your Real Self.

Excerpt from the Natural Breathing Own Your Self Manual.

You do experience an external world and sometimes you worry and suffer from what you observe in it.

BUT, before all that, YOU MUST BE ALREADY HERE, otherwise it wouldn’t be possible for you to perceive an external world.

– Which means, you are not what you perceive.

– Which means, the only way you can suffer is by making-up that there is a problem with the things you observe (not everyone agrees with your opinion, nor suffer from what you think causes you suffering).

– Which means, the place YOU ARE LOOKING FROM, is a place, other than the external world, feeling like home, peace, love, and aliveness. And you have not even created this place.

– Which means, there is a place, where your true spontaneous nature is JUST HERE, without any struggle, expense, or suffering.

Awareness is where you come from (your source) and who you are in essence (your beingness). Awareness is your basic natural foundation. Without your awareness you wouldn’t have any experiences and you wouldn’t experience existing.

Although, Awareness can be temporarily forgotten and hidden, it cannot be created or deleted. Awareness cannot be wrong, changed, improved, or purified. Awareness is only the observing, opinion-less, pure presence, like that perceiving thing, looking out from your eyes.

So, if you recognize and live in your presence, you live in the perfect now, and in no need of correction.

But your mind can eclipse your awareness, leaving you un-aware. That “separated from Awareness” wants to be validated and recognized as being real and accurate.

It wants you to be busy correcting yourself and the world, so it won’t disappear as you touch Awareness.

You are the Awareness.

Natural Breathing is a great way to:

* Wake you up from your limiting and painful suffering and give you a direct experience of your Real Self.

Excerpt from the Natural Breathing Own Your Self Manual.